We have collected the most common ways that promise to increase male dignity and learn that they really work. Our specialists helped us in this work: from psychologists to the Association of Urologists.
Roads that work
Massage in red
Among the most popular methods to increase masculinity are massage techniques: acupressure and jelqing exercises. The promoters of these methods claim that several months of daily exercise will help increase male dignity.
"There is no scientific research that confirms the healing properties of massage techniques, " said the expert. "They simply improve the blood supply to the penis, which can make it a little bigger. But this is a very temporary phenomenon - a few hours and the effect will disappear.
Experts do not recommend using such methods, especially if you have diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and congenital anomalies of blood vessels. If the erection does not go away after ejaculation, various complications can occur, including priapism. This is an acute surgical pathology, which in the future is fraught with complete loss of organ function.
Attention, weightlifters!
Stretching promises to increase a man's dignity by up to 3 cm: there are different weights and special traction devices that are attached directly to the penis.
"They really do grow, but they can be severely damaged, meaning they can damage the tunic albuginia of cavernous bodies, warns the expert. . And these results are irreversible.
Hormones come out of harmony
There is an idea that the use of testosterone and drugs that stimulate its production will give extra inches.
"It's a myth! The expert explains that the male hormone affects sexual function, not size. "It is associated with loss of sexual function, male infertility and problems in many body systems. "
Creams - a few hours
Penis enlargement creams are all over the Internet. They are easy to use and promise fantastic results. It bribes men who want to increase the unit to get.
"These remedies are completely ineffective: it's like buying a cream to enlarge the arm or nose, " says the expert. - The only thing such a drug can give is a slight increase (up to 1. 5 cm) in 5-6 hours. This is due to its warming and vasodilating effect.
In addition, some creams can be "chemically dirty": they contain hormonal additives and dangerous allergen components. They can damage the mucous membrane to both normal irritation and chemical burns.
Vacuum pump tested!
This includes negative pressure therapy. And this is the only safe tool that can be used at home!
"Together with warming ointments, the vacuum pump really gives penis growth (1-3 cm) and thickening (up to 5 mm), as well as improves erection. - But it is important to understand: the effect will be achieved if the patient exercises regularly and lives a full sexual life. It is not possible to increase it once with the help of a vacuum pump!
And another important note: you must use it carefully and correctly to avoid damaging the blood vessels and mucous membranes of the penis. It can be used independently only after consultation with an andrologist.
Knife or operation to help
Increased masculinity is guaranteed with the help of surgical methods. The most harmless is frenuloplasty, in which the penis is extended by 1. 5-2 cm. A more aggressive method is to cut the suprapubic area of the ligaments that hold the penis. Special implants for thickening (5-10 mm) are widely used, and prostheses can be made for elongation and thickening.
"But it is necessary to understand that it is eternal - it is impossible to return the size. - Each method has its disadvantages, so it is necessary to measure all the pros and cons. And surgical manipulations should be performed only by a qualified physician.
Contraindications to surgical penis enlargement include common diseases, hormonal disorders, vascular disease, diabetes, old age. But it is worth visiting a psychologist before resorting to surgery. Because a man may be good with his size, but due to circumstances (for example, he did not satisfy his partner) he suddenly wants to change something. But measurement is not really important! The main thing for a man is to learn his partner.
The whole problem is in society and in nature
The stereotype of "the more, the better" dates back to ancient times: in most nations and cultures, the phallus was considered a symbol of strength and fertility, and the bigger it is, the more beautiful it is. Thus, the problem of dissatisfaction with size is social.
"Little boys don't care about size. Then they first get acquainted with sex - usually by watching porn. A young man associates size with what they see - and the first seeds of doubt are planted! Then anecdotes and stereotypes are added and the man begins to complicate, " explains the expert psychologist. . And again: which penis is smaller and which is larger? "In an adult, it is a small penis that is less than 12 cm. The average size is 12-17 cm, and a penis that is 18 cm is already considered very large, " says the expert, recalling: - "dysmorphic disorder" (similar to anorexia).
In general, test sexually before increasing your manhood. But most importantly, be sincere and really love. Then taste is guaranteed!